About Us - who we are
The Lambton Right-to-Life is a non-denominational, non-profit organization dedicated to teaching others the value of each human life as created by God – the unborn, the mentally challenged, the physically challenged, and the aged.

Promoting a culture of life in Canada
We exist to foster and promote the ideal that human life is sacred at every stage, from conception to natural death; whether unborn, mentally or physically challenged or elderly and infirm. We seek to educate people to the science that supports this view, and to the abuses of life that occur in our society, like abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.
What we are not
We are not a crisis pregnancy or counselling centre. Nor are we politically active. Although we certainly monitor politics and make ourselves heard as individuals. We are not lobbyists, we are not a PAC, or any other entity.

The Lambton Right to Life is supported by the generous donations of people like you in the community, by membership fees, our annual walkathon and or annual bake and craft sale. Our annual dinner, and many other ways.
Throughout the year, we raise community awareness of life issues in Sarnia-Lambton through Life Chain, 40 Days for Life, praying in vigil around the hospital. We provide financial support to groups like the National Campus Life Network and the Crisis Pregnancy 24 Help Line. And we provide financial support to students and others to attend pro-life conferences and demonstrations.
We are one of the most generous regions supporting Alliance for Life Ontario ’s “Reaching Minds Through Media” campaign, which runs television advertising on main stream stations in prime time. We have participated in several activities supporting this endeavour, including phone campaigns and a gala dinner.
We gather pro-life resources in our office that are available to the community – individuals as well as schools and other organizations. We have tapes, slides, literature and fetal models and are prepared to visit schools, churches, and societies by invitation. We distribute a biannual newsletter to keep all our membership aware of past and upcoming activities, and current issues in the media. We provide Life Digest to all local interested pastors, an e-based, monthly four page summary of life issues in the news.
While we certainly cheer for the adoption of pro-life laws and policies. We are not affiliated with any political party. Nor are we allied with any political figure or entity.
We are also not affiliated with any specific faith entity. We welcome those with all kinds of faith, or those who do not profess any. All our welcome to join us in defending those whom society has deemed unworthy.
Our job is to inform and educate the public in the matters of human rights, science, and ethics regarding abortion, euthanasia, suicide, and other matters that work toward developing a holistic culture of life.