PRO-life from conception until natural death

The Lambton Right-to-Life is a non-denominational, charitable organization dedicated to teaching others the value of each human life as created by God – the unborn, the mentally challenged, the physically challenged, and the aged.
We exist to foster and promote the ideal that human life is sacred at every stage, from conception to natural death; whether unborn, mentally or physically challenged or elderly and infirm.
We seek to educate people to the science that supports this view, and to the abuses of life that occur in our society, like abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.
Fighting for a culture of life
We believe abortion, along with euthanasia and other degradations of the human person are the preeminent issue of our time. We are fighting now for those who do not have a voice. The lives of the unborn, the aged, and the infirm. If you believe this is a cause worth fighting for too, consider joining us! We are a registered charity, so you will recieve a tax receipt for your donation. And the first 15 dollars of your donation will go towards you becoming a member! if you fill out our membership form we’ll make sure to send your our biannual newsletter.